czwartek, 19 maja 2011

protein fluff!

I stumbled on this recepe a few days ago at (btw if you still haven't go check that blog, Anna is awesome!). I wanted to make it the second I saw it, but I was out of all the protein powder. Bummer!
she got it from the recipe creator check it out too, there are some nice recipes there

Well yesterday I got my PP delivered so I could try that lovely fluff! I changed the proportions a little. I used 150g of strawberries, about 50 grams of water and 30 grams of vanillia whey protein powder/isolate.

the fluff was awesome! And I think it would be even nicer if I used a different protein powder (the one I've used was somewhat  bitter) so next time I'll just use a different one (I'm thinking- strawberries and coconut cream protein- mmmmhhhhhhmmmmm)

also you will be seeing much more recipes with PP- I can't decide if I want to do a coconut cake or (fake)nutella cake!

poniedziałek, 16 maja 2011


so I have a confession: you probaby figured that out already, but I certainly have a sweet tooth. there is not one day that I don't eat something sweet- be it cereals with yogurt or fruit smoothie. or cookies :D

so I created those macaroons so I can have some quality sweet snack

egg whites (3, or about 120 grams)
almond flour (60 grams)
a pinch of salt and baking powder


beat egg whites with sweetener, salt, baking powder till stiff peaks are formed. add almond flour and gently fold. it's perfectly ok if it looks lumpy.
Use a spoon to pour on the baking tray. bake for about 15 minutes or till they become brownish. cool and eat!

*if you use more egg whites the result will be much more meriengue like, very delicious too!

** as far as I know the macaroons require some cream-kind of filling. I didn't do it- they are absolutely yummy without it, plus, frankly I don't have any nice idea for a nice filling. the traditional is butter with sugar, but thats just not my thing- to high in fat and calories and just too heavy. Anyone have a better idea?

Calories (I used lower fat almond flour) the whole batch: calories 224,
protein 37 grams! , Fiber almost 20 grams! Carbs less than 4,5 grams

sobota, 14 maja 2011

fake whipped cream

Hi! ok so I've been on a lookout for a nice whipped cream/ice cream substitute. so I've been googling and experimenting at home. well most of them include protein powder, which btw I adore using, but am currently out. I've ordered like 5 flavours 2 weeks ago and first the flavours were missing, and now there seems to be some shipping problem. they are supposed to come monday/tuesday so you can expect to see them much more often!
anyway, back to the whipped cream: it's super easy, it's creamy, yummy and very low calorie too!

whipped cream:
milk* as much as whipped cream you want, I made a batch from 2 cups and yeah I ate it all :P
xanthan and guar gum

I use a big tupperware container, cause it expands some and it's easier not to make a huge mess of your kitchen. you put cold milk in the tuppeware sprinkle about half a teaspoon of both gums (I used them separately too, so if you are only having one you can still do it, but I find the flavour nicer when using both). now about milk- I usually use either 1 or 2% cows milk and it works well, 0% taste like water so I'd stay away from it.

so you blend it with your hand blender for about a minute. you can add sweetener and flavorings now if you want to. I made it without anything and loved the taste, but I also love the taste of plain yogurt. sometimes I make it with just a sweetener or sweetener and a drop of lemon juice, sweetener and cocoa, sf syrups work very well if you like them and capella drops are nice addition too!
now stick it to the freezer for 15-30 minutes and then blend again and voila! you have your whipped cream!
super low calorie too so feel free to eat the whole thing :P

środa, 11 maja 2011

a cake fail and cute almond cookies

I wanted to post a nice recipe for a coconut cake yesterday. so I attempted to create one and sadly it didn't come as planned- it was much too moist and didn't set up properly, the taste was nice though, so I think it will just need some tweaking. so you can expect the recipe sometime soon! 

ok so lets talk about those almond cookies:these were yummy! and so easy to make too!
Almond cookies
140 g almond flour* (395)
60 g wheat bran (97)
4 egg whites (150g) (65)
Apple 70g (35)
592 calories for the whole batch!!!
and over 60g of protein and over 60 grams of fiber, WHOA!  
*i used partially deffated almond flour, i'm sure the regular almond meal would be awesome too, you will just need to adjust the calories.

the recipe is super easy too: you just blend about a quarter of an apple with egg whites and sweetener, than add the wheat bran and almond flour and stir. and the dough is done! now you just bake it for 20-30 minutes or till they start to brown. I didn't bother to form round cookies because I was short on time, but I made one for the purpose of photo and it tasted much nicer, next time I'll form them all.
The results is a cookie thats soft in the inside and a little crunchy on the outside. YUM!

i'm looking for a nice low fat cheesecake idea... any recomendations?

niedziela, 8 maja 2011

my first post :)

hi! My name is Dee and I'm here to share all my weird recipes! they are low cal, healthy, FULL OF FIBER and voluminous! and most importantly all yum, yum, yum! this is the first one and bare with me on this one, it's my first time formulating a recipe so if anything is not clear feel free to ask :D


fiber rich sweet crackers:
ingredients:wheat bran 150 g
any nut flour 50-100 grams*
small apple
4 egg whites

how to:
blend the apple (or if you are short on time use one of those baby food jars) with egg whites and sweetener. now we all have some favorite sweeteners- I looooove truvia, but in this recipe I used the devil- aspartame! I know, I know it's bad for you and I don't advise you to use it, but I'm out of any good quality sweetener for now on. hopefully in near future I'll be able to get some, but first I need a miracle and some money on my credit card :-)
back to the recipe: in the bowl mix wheat bran with nut flour (almond, hazelnut, flaxseed, pb2 or anything you like, this time I used partially defatted sesame flour and it was yummy!). the more nut flour you will use the nuttier and well, tastier the crackers will be.
add the apple egg white mixture and mix well. doing it with hands speeds it up a lot but be prepared for it to stick to your hands a little.

you are basically done with the preparation. now the baking- there are 2 approaches- microwave and oven.
for the microwave: dump the "dough" on the plate (something safe for the microwave is advisable although I have to admit I've been using normal plates for ages and nothing ever happened). press the "dough" to the plate like you would do with a pie crust. the more you press the firmer the crackers will be- i like them EXTRA hard and solid so I press hard, but my bf laughs I eat stones :D score the dough with the pizza cutter or a regular knife, but don't disconnect it yet- just put it in a microwave. now it all depends on the model you have- mine is definitely from the previous century so take it into consideration and adjust cooing time if you are a little more tech- savvy :P
I like to put it on high for 8 minutes than flip it on the second plate (there will be quite a lot of extra moisture on the plate, but don't be alarmed it will evaporate) than return to the microwave for 6 minutes, flip again, microwave for 4, flip and microwave for additional minute or 2. once you finish they might still be slightly moist but once they cool they will become cracker- like. I like when they become a little darker- sort of like a minute before they burn so I cook them a little longer sometimes, but they tend to burn quite easily so watch them carefully at least for the first time you make them
In the oven: basically the method is the same you flip it once in a while- take them out fully when they start to brown a little- it will take maybe 20 minutes total (not much longer than my ancient microwave!!!) cool for like 10 minutes and they are ready to eat!

I loooooooooooooooove to just pour yogurt on them and eat them like cereals but they taste good plain too. just remember there are FULL of fiber so don't go crazy on them if you are not used to lots and lots of fiber.

NUTRITIONAL INFO (will vary greatly- depends on which flour you used and how much of it. I used 50 g. of sesame flour and the whole batch (pictured) came up to be 510 calories and over 70 grams of fiber!!!