czwartek, 19 maja 2011

protein fluff!

I stumbled on this recepe a few days ago at (btw if you still haven't go check that blog, Anna is awesome!). I wanted to make it the second I saw it, but I was out of all the protein powder. Bummer!
she got it from the recipe creator check it out too, there are some nice recipes there

Well yesterday I got my PP delivered so I could try that lovely fluff! I changed the proportions a little. I used 150g of strawberries, about 50 grams of water and 30 grams of vanillia whey protein powder/isolate.

the fluff was awesome! And I think it would be even nicer if I used a different protein powder (the one I've used was somewhat  bitter) so next time I'll just use a different one (I'm thinking- strawberries and coconut cream protein- mmmmhhhhhhmmmmm)

also you will be seeing much more recipes with PP- I can't decide if I want to do a coconut cake or (fake)nutella cake!

2 komentarze:

  1. YAAAY!!!!!! straberries coconut cream protein!? does this exist???? I WANT TO SEE A COCONUT CAKE AND the FAUX NUTELLA ONE!!!! badly :-))))) I hear actually that 'casein' is good for fluff, I'm not a big casein fan but if you have some you can try? You're awesome too!!! :-))))) (PS did you know there's a site dedicated exclusively to fluff? haha

    przytulić! :-))

  2. i'm loving protein fluff! it's so awesome!
